Recent Publications
- Johann Westphall; Jean Everson Martina; Blockchain Privacy and Scalability in a Decentralized Validated Energy Trading Context with Hyperledger Fabric, Sensors, 22():, 2022.
- G. Estevam, L. M. Palma, L. R. Silva, J. E. Martina, and M. Vigil; Accurate and decentralized timestamping using smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, Information Processing & Management, 58(3):, 2021.
- A.A. Fröhlich, R.M. Scheffel, D. Kozhaya, and P.E. Veríssimo; Byzantine Resilient Protocol for the IoT, IEEE Internet of Things Journal, 6(2):2506-2517, 2019.
- D. Resner, G.M de Araujo, and A.A. Fröhlich; Design and Implementation of a Cross-Layer IoT Protocol, Science of Computer Programming, 165(1):24-37, 2018.
- C. Machado and A.A. Fröhlich; IoT Data Integrity Verification for Cyber-Physical Systems Using Blockchain, International Symposium on RealTime Distributed Computing, (): 83-91, 2018.
- C.H. Richa, M.M. de Lucena, L.P. Horstmann, J.L. Hoffmann, and A.A. Fröhlich; Modeling Time Requirements of CPS in Wireless Networks, Sensors, 20(7):1818-16, 2020.
- M. de Lucena and A.A. Fröhlich; Security and Effectiveness Analysis of the Gateway Integrity Checking Protocol, IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing, 19(4):2396-2404, 2021.
- Nandi, G. S., Pereira, D., Vigil, M., Moraes, R., Morales, A. S., & Araújo, G.; Security in Wireless Sensor Networks: A formal verification of protocols, IEEE 17th International Conference on Industrial Informatics, ():, 2019.
- KAUFFMAN, S. ; DUNNE, M. ; GRACIOLI, G. ; KHAN, W. ; BENANN, N. ; FISCHMEISTER, S.; Palisade: A framework for anomaly detection in embedded systems, Journal of Systems Architecture, 113():101876, 2021.
- Cavalcante, I.M., Frazzon, E.M., Forcellini, F.A., Ivanov, D.; A supervised machine learning approach to data-driven simulation of resilient supplier selection in digital manufacturing, International Journal of Information Management, 49():86–97, 2019.
- Frazzon, E.M., Kück, M., Freitag, M.; Data-driven production control for complex and dynamic manufacturing systems, CIRP Annals, 67(1):515–518, 2018.
- G. Moreno, R. Vieira, D. Martins; Stability of long combination vehicles, International Journal of Heavy Vehicle Systems, 25(1):113-131, 2018.
- C. H. F. dos Santos,E. A. Carvalho,D. Martins, A. T. Kauati; Virtual strategies in the kinematic and dynamical models applied to fault-tolerant strategy of underwater vehicles by using state-dependent Riccati equations, International Journal of Control, 94(10):2741-2757, 2020.
- F. V. Molin , A. P. Carboni, D. Martins; Reconciling Enumeration Contradictions: Complete List of Baranov Chains With Up to 15 Links With Mathematical Proof, J. Mech. Des., 143(8):83304, 2021.
- A. Campos, . Cortés, D. Martins, M. Ferre, A, Contreras ; Development of a flexible rehabilitation system for bedridden patients, Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences and Engineering, 43():361, 2021.
- C. H. F. dos Santos, M. H. Abdali, D. Martins, A. Campos; Geometrical motion planning for cable-climbing robots applied to distribution power lines inspection, International Journal of Systems Science, 52(8):1646-1663 , 2021.
- R. L. P. Barreto, F. V. Morlin, M. B. de Souza, A. P. Carboni, D. Martins; Multiloop origami inspired spherical mechanisms, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 155():104063, 2021.
- A. P. Carboni, H. Simas, D. Martins; Actuation scheme enumeration and optimal selection for parallel mechanisms based on matroid theory, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 151():103891, 2020.
- J. G.Grijalva, E. R. De Pieri, D. Martins; Robust control of scissor-like elements based systems, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 150():103849, 2020.
- L. P. Laus, H. Simas, D. Martins; Machine efficiency determined using graph and screw theories with application in robotics, Mechanism and Machine Theory, 148():103748, 2020.
- "Frazzon, E.M., Freitag, M., Ivanov, D.
- ; Intelligent methods and systems for decision-making support: Toward digital supply chain twins, International Journal of Information Management, 57():102281, 2021."
- "Marinho De Brito, F., Junior, G.C., Frazzon, E.M., Basto, J.P., Alcala, S.
- ; Design Approach for Additive Manufacturing in Spare Part Supply Chains, IEEE Transactions on Industrial Informatics, 17(2):757 - 765, 2021."
- Frazzon, E. M., Agostino, I., Broda, E. , Freitag, M. ; Manufacturing networks in the era of digital production and operations: A socio-cyber-physical perspective, Annual Reviews in Control, 49():288 - 294, 2020.
- ESTEVAM, GABRIEL; PALMA, LUCAS M.; SILVA, LUAN R.; MARTINA, JEAN E.; VIGIL, MARTÍN.; Accurate and decentralized timestamping using smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain. , INFORMATION PROCESSING & MANAGEMENT., 1():102471 - , 2021.
- GIRON, ALEXANDRE AUGUSTO; MARTINA, Jean Everson; CUSTÓDIO, RICARDO. ; Steganographic Analysis of Blockchains, SENSORS, 21():4078 -, 2021.
- PAVAN, LUÍS HENRIQUE ; OLIVEIRA, LUCAS FERNANDES DE ; MANGRICH, CAMILA POETA ; ALMEIDA, RENATO LUIZ MARTINS DE ; GOMES, FERNANDA DE OLIVEIRA ; MARTINA, Jean Everson ; KÓS, JOSÉ RIPPER . ; Dados de conexão Wi-Fi e campus universitário: estudos sobre dinâmica humana e privacidade. , GESTÃO & TECNOLOGIA DE PROJETOS, 17():185-198, 2021.
- BARBOSA, SARAH ; RODRIGUES, JEFERSON ; GUIMARÃES, GUSTAVO FERREIRA ; MARTINA, Jean Everson ; LOPES, SARA MENDES BOEIRA . ; Funcionalidades para modelo de aplicativo de smartphone para prevenção do comportamento suicida. , RESEARCH, SOCIETY AND DEVELOPMENT, 10():, 2021.
- BOAS, YURI DA SILVA VILLAS ; ROCHA, DANIEL SANTANA ; DE BARROS, CHARLES E ; MARTINA, Jean Everson . ; SRVB cryptosystem: another attempt to revive Knapsack-based public-key encryption schemes., 27th International Conference on Telecommunications (ICT), ():, 2020.
- GOMES, FERNANDA OLIVEIRA; AGOSTINHO, BRUNO MACHADO; MARTINA, Jean Everson ; Fraud Prevention Within the Brazilian Governmental Public-Key Infrastructure , IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Security Informatics (ISI), ():, 2020.
- PALMA, LUCAS M. ; VIGIL, MARTÍN A. G. ; PEREIRA, FERNANDO L. ; MARTINA, JEAN E. . ; Blockchain and smart contracts for higher education registry in Brazil. , International Journal of Network Management, 1(p. e2061):, 2019.
- LEPIANE, CRISTIANE DIAS; PEREIRA, FERNANDO LAURO; PIERI, GIOVANI;MARTINS, DOUGLAS; MARTINA, Jean Everson; RABELO, MAURO LUIZ ; Digital Degree Certificates for Higher Education in Brazil , Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering 2019, ():, .
- C. P. Tonetto, H. SImas; Kinetostatic analysis for compliant legged robots with ground contact forces evaluation, Meccanica, ():, 2022.
- H. Simas, R. Di Gregorio, R. Simoni; TetraFLEX: Design and kinematic analysis of a novel self-aligning family of 3T1R parallel manipulators, Journal of Field Robotics, ():617-630, 2022.
- H. Simas, R. Di Gregorio; Smooth transition for collision avoidance of redundant robots: An on-line polynomial approach, Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing, 72():, 2021.
- H. Simas, R. Di Gregorio; A Technique Based on Adaptive Extended Jacobians for Improving the Robustness of the Inverse Numerical Kinematics of Redundant Robots, J. Mechanisms Robotics, 11(2):20913, 2019.
- H. Simas, R. Di Gregorio; Wriflex: Design and Kinematic Analysis of a Self-aligning Parallel Wrist, Advances in Robot Kinematics 2022, 1():340-347, 2022.
- Guerrero Grijalva, J.G., De Pieri, E.R., Martins, D. ; Synthesis of a Retractable Roof System Based on Spherical Scissor-Like Elements, Multibody Mechatronic Systems. MuSMe 2021. Mechanisms and Machine Science, 94():, 2021.
- A. K. Cechinel, E. R. De Pieri,A. L. F. Perez, P. D.M. Plentz; Multi-robot Task Allocation Using Island Model Genetic Algorithm, 17th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing INCOM 2021:, 54(1):558-563, 2021.
- H. A. Tajiri, E. R de Pieri, H. A. Al-Qureshi; Modified Modeling of Clay Paste Extrusion through a Circular Die: Beyond the Steady-State, International Journal of Metallurgy and Metal Physics, 4(1):, 2019.
- A. F. Antoniolli, H. F. Naspolini, J. F. de Abreu, R. Rüther; Development of technical and statistical algorithm using Business Intelligence tools for energy yield assessment of large rooftop photovoltaic system ensembles, Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments, 49():, 2022.
- G.L.Martins, S.L.Mantelli, R.Rüther; Evaluating the performance of radiometers for solar overirradiance events, Solar Energy, 231():47-56, 2022.
- R. A. Campos, G. L.Martins, R. Rüther; Assessing the influence of solar forecast accuracy on the revenue optimization of photovoltaic + battery power plants in day-ahead energy markets, Journal of Energy Storage, 48():104093, 2022.
- A. F. Antoniolli, H. F. Naspolini, J. F. de Abreu, R. Rüther; The role and benefits of residential rooftop photovoltaic prosumers in Brazil, Renewable Energy, 184():204-222, 2022.
- A.K. V. de Oliveira, M. Aghaei, R. Rüther; Automatic Inspection of Photovoltaic Power Plants Using Aerial Infrared Thermography: A Review, Energies, 15(2):2055, 2022.
- I.Custódio, T.Quevedo, A.P.Melo, R.Rüther; A holistic approach for assessing architectural integration quality of solar photovoltaic rooftops and shading devices, Solar Energy, 237():432,466, 2022.
- A. M. Pires, M. Braga,R. Rüther; Performance assessment of bare and anti-reflective coated CdTe photovoltaic systems in comparison to multicrystalline Si in Brazil, Progress in Photovoltaics, 29(10):1115 - 1124, 2021.
- L. R. do Nascimento, M. Braga, R. A.Campos, H. F. Naspolini, R. Rüther; Performance assessment of solar photovoltaic technologies under different climatic conditions in Brazil, Renewable Energy, 146():1070-1082, .
- GIRON, ALEXANDRE AUGUSTO; MARTINA, Jean Everson; CUSTÓDIO, RICARDO. ; Bitcoin Blockchain Steganographic Analysis, Springer, 12418(21):, 2020.
- PERIN, LUCAS PANDOLFO ; ZAMBONIN, GUSTAVO ; CUSTÓDIO, RICARDO ; MOURA, LUCIA ; PANARIO, DANIEL; Improved constant-sum encodings for hash-based signatures, Springer, ():329–351, 2021.
- Giron, Alexandre Augusto ; CUSTÓDIO, RICARDO ; RODRÍGUEZ-HENRÍQUEZ, FRANCISCO; Post-quantum hybrid key exchange: a systematic mapping study, Springer, ():, 2022.
- AMARAL, L. A.;; eCloudRFID - A mobile software framework architecture for pervasive RFID-based applications., Journal of Network and Computer Applications, 34():972-979, 2011.
- GRIMM, T.;; Hardware Implementation of Two Key Equation Solvers for Reed-Solomon Decoding., IEEE Latin America Transactions, ():3550-3555, 2015.
- PEREIRA, R.;; Mechanisms to Provide Fault Tolerance to a Network-on-Chip., IEEE Latin America Transactions, 15():1034-1042, 2017.
- GOERL, R.;; An efficient EDAC approach for handling multiple bit upsets in memory array., Microelectronics reliability, 88-90():214-218, 2018.
- MARTINS, V.M.G.;; A dynamic partial reconfiguration design flow for permanent faults mitigation in FPGAs., Microelectronics reliability, 83():50-63, 2018.
- VILLA, P.;; Fault Tolerant Soft-Core Processor Architecture Based on Temporal Redundancy., JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC TESTING-THEORY AND APPLICATIONS, 1():1-19, 2019.
- MARCELINO, G.M.;; Qualification and validation test methodology of the open-source CubeSat FloripaSat-I., Journal of Systems Engineering and Electronics, 31():1238-1252, 2020.
- MARCELINO, G.M.;; A Critical Embedded System Challenge: The FloripaSat-1 Mission., IEEE Latin America Transactions, 18():249-256, .
- SALAMANCA, J.J.;; Finite-State Markov Chains Channel Model for CubeSats Communication Uplink., IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON AEROSPACE AND ELECTRONIC SYSTEMS, 56():142-154, 2020.
- FERLINI, F.;; Enabling ISO 26262 Compliance with Accelerated Diagnostic Coverage Assessment., ELECTRONICS, 9():1-17, 2020.
- MARCELINO, G.M.;; In-orbit preliminary results from the open-source educational nanosatellite FloripaSat-I., ACTA ASTRONAUTICA, 188():64-80, 2021.
- RIGO, C.A.;; A nanosatellite task scheduling framework to improve mission value using fuzzy constraints., EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 175():1-15, 2021.
- CAMPONOGARA, E.;; A continuous-time formulation for optimal task scheduling and quality-of-service assurance in nanosatellites., COMPUTERS & OPERATIONS RESEARCH, 1():105945-34, 2022.
- SEMAN, L.O.;; An Energy-Aware Task Scheduling for Quality-of-Service Assurance in Constellations of Nanosatellites., SENSORS, 22():3715-3733, 2022.
- VIEL, F.;; Payload-XL: A Platform for the In-orbit Validation of the BRAVE FPGA., IEEE Embedded Systems Letters, 1():44652, 2022.
- SALAMANCA, J.J.;; Multi-sector discrete-time channel model for data link layer evaluation of CubeSat communications., EXPERT SYSTEMS WITH APPLICATIONS, 203():117375, 2022.
- RIGO, C.A.;; A branch-and-price algorithm for nanosatellite task scheduling to improve mission quality-of-service., EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF OPERATIONAL RESEARCH, v. 1():1-24, 2022.
- Idalino, Thais and Moura, Lucia; Structure-Aware Combinatorial Group Testing: A New Method for Pandemic Screening, International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, ():143-156, 2022.
- Idalino, Thais and Moura, Lucia; Nested cover-free families for unbounded fault-tolerant aggregate signatures, Theoretical Computer Science, 854():116-130, 2021.
- Idalino, Thais; Moura, Lucia; Adams, Carlisle; Modification Tolerant Signature Schemes: Location and Correction, International Conference on Cryptology in India, ():23-44, 2019.
- Idalino, Thais; Fault Tolerance in Cryptographic Applications Using Cover-Free Families, PhD Thesis at the University of Ottawa - Canada, ():, 2019.
- Idalino, Thais and Moura, Lucia; Embedding cover-free families and cryptographical applications, Advances in Mathematics of Communications, 13():629-643, 2019.
- Idalino, Thais and Moura, Lucia; Efficient Unbounded Fault-Tolerant Aggregate Signatures Using Nested Cover-Free Families, International Workshop on Combinatorial Algorithms, ():52-64, 2018.